2024 Q3 ✅ Mini app event registration, payments, and ticket validation ✅ Mini app SocialFi social features ✅ ShowUp Points and task system ✅ Cloud photography album integration
2024 Q4 ✅ Event creation functionality ✅ Attendee raffles and prize pool distribution features ✅ Real-world testing across multiple live events
2024/10/31 HashKey Crypto Magic Night in Dubai
2024/10/31 Sunset Beats: Gateway to Ton’s Digital Future
✅ Support for TON payments, USDT payments, and Telegram star payments ✅ Litepaper
✅ 12/13 ShowUp Launch Event at TBW2024 side event ✅ 12/14 TBW Side Event- TomSoong邀請🦊全社群和牛 2024/12/14 松菸見 event!
Expand the hosting of various events and increase ShowUp's visibility Increase user and event organizer engagement Open public minting for ShowUp Pass Add Mini App Side-Events module Develop decentralized contract functionalities Continue building ShowUp Community Establish token governance process
Last updated